
VirtualBoard is dedicated to increasing the value of your business
and preparing it and you for your transition.

Exclusive member benefits include access to our community of experienced professionals

All meetings are held in confidence and discussions are confidential to protect you and your intentions for your business.

Virtual and in person meetings to facilitate even the busiest of schedules.

How We Do It

VirtualBoard's process is efficient, effective and dedicated exclusively to members.


Meetings are focused exclusively on helping members to prepare, negotiate and transition to their next.....

No One Should Summit Alone


Meetings include professionals with decades of experience actively participating in each meeting to prepare you for a successful exit.

Make some magic!


Board Chairs are accomplished facilitators trained by an internationally renowned CEO Coach with more than 30 years experience.

Make some magic!


Meetings are held every other month recognizing that it takes time between meetings to operationalize the plans you make.

Make some magic!


Between meetings you will meet with your Chair to follow up on your commitments to move the transition process forward based on your plans.

Make some magic!


It's simple.
'What's said in the room, stays in the room.'

Make some magic!


VirtualBoard gets no benefit from your transaction so our interest is exclusively that you have a successful exit.

Make some magic!

The Road Ahead

VirtualBoard is there for you

The thought of re-defining or detaching from what may have been your life-long responsibility and passion can be deeply emotional. Fortunately, there are many options along the spectrum from ‘all in’ to ‘all out’.

In evaluating how you may want to re-shape your connection with your business, many options can provide you with greater flexibility and the freedom from responsibilities to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. It’s rare that business transfer plans are explored, or even contemplated, far in advance.  Typically, challenges and roadblocks come up at the last minute.

The more time invested up front in developing a well-constructed strategy, the greater your capacity to personalize, adapt, and effectively manage the smooth transition of your unique business.

Premium Support

Some Of Our Trusted Partners

Member Experience

“The more I learn from my group the more I realize what I didn't know."

R Berry

CEO TPI Engineering Systems

“ Most small business owners have similar challenges that they often face alone. Since joining VirtualBoard, I have benefited from the experience and knowledge of a trusted group of experts and fellow entrepreneurs. "

David Filer, Veterinary Referral Surgery

“ CEOs of private companies rarely have the chance to get the collective wisdom and experience of a room full of similar-level individuals who want to help"

Henry Landes, Biotech

“ After 47 years in business, I decided to join a peer mentoring group in anticipation of easing out of my manufacturing firm.  It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."

Robert Berry, TPI

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